Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Fall Ya'll

It is officially fall and I am loving it! Something about fall makes me feel like I'm falling in love again. I think it is because Kyle and I met in the fall and it is just so familiar to us. Fall is the time I get my friend back! He is done with rodeos and now we get to spend our weekends together. Speaking of weekends we had a great one. My mom has been trying to plan a camping trip for our whole family. It is hard because Kyle rodeos every weekend in the summer and Chris (my sister Sarah's husband) hunts and hunting starts right when rodeo ends so my mom picked this last weekend and we all took off work and went camping. We left on Friday and came home Sunday so it wasn't too long. We camped on my grandma's property in Spring City Utah, kinda by Manti and Ephraim. My grandma and grandpa came too and stayed in my mom and dads trailer. My grandma had the best time of her life. She loved every minute of it. She was so happy to be able to camp on and explore her land. Spring City is where she is from and she really enjoyed showing us the house she was born in and grew up in back in town. My sister and her husband have everything including a new Rhino so my grandparents rode in the back of the Rhino on all the rides so it worked out great. Can you imagine a 69 year old grandma driving up the mountain on a 4-wheeler. Sarah and Chris also have a huge trailer so that is where Kyle and I stayed since I wouldn't let Kyle take up his horse trailer. His trailer has living quarters but it was much funner staying with my sis. We packed lunches and rode all day long on Saturday. We rode up Spring City canyon and it was beautiful. The fall leaves on the Aspen trees were amazing. I took my dog Farley and he had a blast. On Saturday and Sunday Farley and I woke up at like 7:30 and went for a run on some trails and he thought he was in heaven. He was sniffing and running like crazy. It was really pretty and I enjoyed being up in the fresh air. We were lucky we had good weather on Saturday but Sunday is was really windy and started to rain so we got out of there fast and got home just in the nick of time to watch the Cowboys lose. Kyle was so sad!! But his fantasy team won so it cheered him up a little! I have a lot of pictures I will post but I have been having technical difficulties so those will be coming soon. Lots of Love Enjoy the Fall Ya'll!


  1. I LOVE fall! I can't get enough! Put those pics up.. I can't wait to see! We didn't do a lot of camping this year but I wish we had.. it's good you got out before it gets too cold! I bet you love having your hubby back.. I know all my friends who's hubby's rodeo feel the same way!!

  2. Thanks for the invite!!!!! I will remember that.

  3. Camping sound like so much fun, and it sounds like you guys had a blast! I bet you are so glad to have Kyle be done with rodeo for now.

    I miss our gossip sessions on Saturdays.. Ha I miss not having nails too! When this wedding stuff gets done ill for sure be coming back!
