Wednesday, September 2, 2009

House Hunting!!

Well school is back in and things are a bit more hectic, but we are getting into the routine of things. I think I am going to enjoy my classes this fall a little bit more then the summer ones. These classes are directly aimed toward my major and I really do enjoy them so it is fun. I know Kyle is excited for this time of year because FOOTBALL! starts back up again!! For those of you that know me I was raised in a house of all girls and we had all the rights to the t.v. Well Kyle was raised in a house with all boys and he is all sports. I have adapted and have learned to live with the fact that Kyle has a deep passion for sport center. So I too have learned to like watching sports, my sisters think I am crazy for it but it does get addicting. We still do have our nights when we get the control of the remote but during football season they change. Kyle gets it Saturday, Sunday, Monday and sometimes Thursday and I get it the other nights!! HaHa ya gotta compromise it works well!!
So on top of all this fun stuff Kyle has been trying to sell two horses. He has one traded and the other one is almost out the door. This means we are on the road to buying a house! I am so excited but sad at the same time. I thought we would only be staying in my grandmas house a couple months but it has been so wonderful I haven't even looked for houses. Now Kyle is telling to get my butt in gear and to pick a house! It is going to be hard to find one as good as the house we are in but I am up to the challenge. So if anyone knows about houses for sale let me know!


  1. Ha ha the things we do for our husbands :) We are house hunting too so I will pass any info along!

  2. I hear you about sports center... It's on every t.v in bronson's house. So I had no idea you guy's were in the process of finding a new place. Where are you wanting to move?

  3. I know I love sports center it is on all night long till morning every night!! Well we have just been renting so we would really like to buy our own house. So now we will finally have some money for a down payment. We would really like to try and stay in the same area, West Weber or anything north west of there.

  4. Just found your cute blog. Hope you don't mind me looking. There is a cute house in Warren that is on an acre for sale. Then you guys could keep a few horses there. Clay would be excited to because he is putting in an arena next year and then Kyle could come down and they could rope and bull dog.

  5. Okay well the house is on 5900 West just south of Mindy's(if you know where she lives). Just turn like you were going to my parents house off of 12th street and it is the 5th house on the left(west) side of the road(5900 w). It is blue. I did hear that the house just to the south of it might go for sale soon too. You should really go take a look at it. I think they want $165,000 for it. That would be awesome if you guys bought it.
